Renewable Energy, Additionality, and Impact: An FAQ on the U.S. Voluntary Renewable Energy Markets - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Procurement, Finance, Sourcing Renewables  -  January 25, 2018 - By Timothy Juliani

Renewable Energy, Additionality, and Impact: An FAQ on the U.S. Voluntary Renewable Energy Markets

The voluntary market for clean energy is exploding. While the term “additionality" is increasingly used in the renewables market, it is important that buyers understand the difference between the markets for renewables and carbon so their related—yet distinct—tradeable attributes (RECs and offsets) are not conflated.

This white paper, presented by Edison Energy,  provides guidance to organizations navigating the sustainability aspects of renewables transactions. Through a series of questions and answers, it explores how buyers can describe their impact and leadership in bringing new renewables online and transforming the grid, and share the most credible and transparent stories about their purchases with stakeholders.

Click the button below for an immediate download of this informative white paper from Edison Energy. 


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