Jake Duncan, IMT - Smart Energy Decisions

Jake Duncan, IMT

Jake's Posts

Stronger Together: Efficiency With Instead of Efficiency First

As the demand for climate action continues to ramp up, more cities, businesses, and utilities are discussing their decarbonization strategies for the years ahead. In this column from Jake Duncan of the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), advancing these efforts will require a shift in the way building owners and tenants, city leaders, utility representatives, and communities think about buildings and the role of energy efficiency.
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Stronger Together: Why Efficiency with Electrification Catalyzes Systems Change

In the late-2010s, the “electrify everything” movement emerged as a long-term solution to the ever-growing carbon emissions of the U.S. However, electrification as a decarbonizing strategy depends on using renewable power for new electric devices. In this column from IMT - the second in their "Stronger Together" series, Jake Duncan explores why energy efficiency is crucial to electrification.
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Stronger Together: Optimizing Renewable Energy

The momentum behind the renewable energy transition is unstoppable. To date, 162 local governments, 13 states and the District of Columbia, and 229 global companies have committed to 100% renewable energy. In this column from IMT's "Stronger Together" series, Jake Duncan explores how efficiency and demand management can smooth over some of the challenges of the renewable energy transition so that we can power an electrified society quickly and cost-effectively.
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Stronger Together: Systemic Efficiency through Demand Management

Most conversations around clean energy are focused on what type of energy we are using, but to fully decarbonize our economy, we also need to address when energy is used. In this column from IMT - the third in a series - Jake Duncan explains that by purposefully managing energy usage, we can better match the demand for power with the availability of clean energy.
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