Whirlpool develops emissions management system. - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  April 17, 2019

Whirlpool develops emissions management system.

Whirlpool has developed a new global emissions management system to improve transparency about product emissions as the company moves towards its goal to reduce carbon emissions by 30% from 2005 levels by 2025.

The system determines a global footprint for the company's products, unifying over 12 unique systems into one global reporting capability. This system will track data from a baseline year of 2016, greatly improving the ability to act strategically to lower the footprint of the company's product portfolio. The significantly improved system will lead to the potential for improved science-based goal setting in 2019.

The announcement came with the release of Whirlpool’s 2018 Corporate Sustainability Report, highlighting the company's progress and accomplishments in the 2018 operational year. “In 2018, we continued to reduce the amount of water and energy used by our products, accelerated our progress toward the goal of zero waste to landfill across the enterprise, and maintained strong connections in our communities through social responsibility and volunteerism," said Marc Bitzer, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Whirlpool Corporation. "2019 marks nearly 50 years of Whirlpool Corporation's commitment to sustainability, and we're proud that our experience and results prove that sound corporate citizenship and environmental performance are good business."

Milestones and progress outlined in the report include a greenhouse gas emissions reduction of 7% from 2017 to 2018 in Whirlpool plants. 

"At Whirlpool Corporation, we think of sustainability as an investment and responsibility to all our stakeholders, from consumers to employees to the planet," said Ron Voglewede, Whirlpool's director of global sustainability. "Our employees take that responsibility seriously and played an enormous role in creating more sustainable products and facilities in 2018."


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