Local Bounti Sets Goal of Producing GHG-Neutral Greens by 2030 - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  January 5, 2022

Local Bounti to Produce GHG-Neutral Greens by 2030

Local Bounti Corporation, an indoor agriculture company, announced its plans to produce greenhouse gas (GHG)-neutral leafy greens by 2030 and report transparently, using GRI and SASB international frameworks, including full Scope 1 and 2 GHG values and actual water usage.

In the company’s inaugural Corporate Sustainability Report, the company said its scope of reporting includes the direct on-site Scope 1 and 2 uses and its estimated Scope 3 inputs and transportation to their customer distribution facilities.

Local Bounti is establishing the methods and data collection to capture its Scope 3 inputs (materials used by its facilities) and the impact of its waste (disposed of by its facilities) on GHG emissions. The impact of transportation beyond its retail partner distribution centers and the impact of shrink (additional waste) at our retail partners are areas of future focus for Local Bounti.

The report follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards and aligns with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDG).

"As a leader in disruptive AgTech we have established a number of firsts for the Company in 2021 following our UN participation, including a leadership role for corporate sustainability in our industry," said Craig Hurlbert, Co-CEO of Local Bounti in a statement. "Sustainability is deeply entrenched in our corporate culture and overall ESG goals, and I'm proud that our team is committed to Turn a New Leaf™ in agriculture, establishing our reputation for corporate responsibility early in Local Bounti's history."

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