Energy Management | Page 701 | Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Management Articles | Page 701

GHG Emissions  -  February 1, 2017

Power sector emissions drop below transportation's

The power sector has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions such that they are now regularly below those from the transportation sector, according to new information from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Energy Efficiency  -  February 1, 2017

A common definition for zero energy buildings

This document from the U.S. Department of Energy describes a commonly agreed upon definition of zero energy buildings with supporting nomenclature and measurement guidelines to facilitate their use, and sets a bar for denoting a zero energy buildings

Sourcing Renewables  -  February 1, 2017

Webinar: Reinventing renewable energy procurement for C&I companies

This webinar, sponsored by Altenex, explores current renewable energy purchasing options for commercial and industrial companies and digs into how Iron Mountain has implemented a multi-element renewables portfolio.

Sourcing Renewables  -  January 31, 2017

Home Depot makes 1st major wind investment

The Home Depot on Jan. 31 announced its first major investment in a wind-powered energy project; the company will purchase 50 MW of capacity from a Texas facility.

Commercial  -  January 31, 2017

IKEA to buy Canadian wind farm for $120M

IKEA Canada, through two separate purchases, is acquiring a Canadian wind farm for approximately $119.6 million.

Energy Efficiency  -  January 31, 2017

Building performance that pays: Insights from the 1st IREM energy efficiency survey

This report from the Institute of Real Estate Management and the Institute for Market Transformation outlines the results of a survey covering issues around energy efficiency and finance, including impacts to building owners' bottom line and barriers to investment.

Sourcing Renewables  -  January 30, 2017

Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers' Principles: Increasing access to renewable energy

These principles, updated in January 2017 and supported by more than 65 U.S. corporations, frame the challenges faced by and the common needs of large renewable energy buyers.

Sourcing Renewables  -  January 30, 2017

PepsiCo, 2 others join renewable buyers group

Three new companies have signed onto the Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers' Principles, a framework intended to help businesses advance their purchasing of clean energy from the grid.

Regulation  -  January 30, 2017

Outgoing FERC chairman resigns from commission

Norman Bay, who up until Jan. 26 had been serving as Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, has resigned.

January 28, 2017

Weekend reads: Automated buildings; largest wind farm ok'd; Trump's infrastructure plans & more

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