Items Tagged with "Ameren Missouri"
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Ameren pitches green tariff for C&I customers
Joining a quickly growing group of electric utilities that are ramping up their clean energy options for commercial and industrial customers, Ameren Missouri on Nov. 28 filed with state regulators its plans to create a green tariff. The Ameren Corp. subsidiary says its Renewable Choice Program, Read More...
Ameren Missouri approved for largest wind facility in state's history
Ameren Missouri was approved to construct and operate a 400 MW wind farm, known as the High Prairie Wind Farm, which when completed will be the largest wind facility in the state's history.The Missouri electric utility was granted a certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) on Oct. 24 by the Mi Read More...Tags: Ameren Missouri,

Ameren Missouri offers C&I demand response program
Ameren Missouri has signed an exclusive agreement with Enel X to deliver 100 MW of demand response resources from the utility’s commercial and industrial (C&I) customers for the 2019 - 2021 program period. Customers participating in the C&I demand response program can earn payments for Read More...
Truman State Univ. banks $100K incentive for efficiency upgrades
Truman State University will be receiving around $100,00 in cash incentives through a program that included making energy efficiency upgrades to the Kirksville campus, which is expected to save the university more than $49,000 annually in energy costs.The campus had upgrades done to its HVAC system, Read More...