Items Tagged with "Owens Corning"
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First-time corporate renewable energy buyers breathing down Google’s neck
Google still dominates the corporate renewable energy buyers' market, but new entrants made major headway in 2015, according to the Rocky Mountain Institute's Business Renewables Center.According to the BRC, about 2.29 GW of 2015's year-end tally — or slightly more than two-thirds the tot Read More...
29% of Owens Corning's grid-purchased power came from renewables in 2015
Owens Corning reports that 29% of the power it purchased from the grid in 2015 came from renewable sources, up from 18% in 2014. Owens Corning, which develops, manufactures and markets insulation, roofing, and fiberglass composites, said July 28 that it entered into PPAs for 250 MW of Read More...
Ohio businesses push Legislature on clean energy
Nine major corporations have joined together to urge lawmakers in Ohio to reinstate energy efficiency and renewable energy standards that were frozen in 2014. The commercial and industrial corporate energy users, which collectively employ more than 25,000 employees in Ohio, comprise The Ca Read More...
Industrial trade group split over Paris agreement
The Eastman Chemical Co. has discontinued its membership in the Industrial Energy Consumers of America, citing the trade group's opposition to U.S. participation in the Paris climate accord. The Washington Post reported June 13 that leading up to President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U. Read More...
Owens Corning touts wind-powered product offerings
In line with its own corporate sustainability goals and demand from customers, Owens Corning on Nov. 8 announced three types of commercial and residential insulation, independently certified as made with renewable energy, that it is now offering for specification and purchase.The Toledo, Ohio-based Read More...Tags: Owens Corning,

Ohio businesses back 2.2 GW of solar
Large corporations with operations in Ohio—including JPMorgan Chase, Owens Corning, Walmart, and Whirlpool—announced their support for a 2.2-gigawatt solar goal for Ohio by 2030. The companies will offer their corporate logos for use in promoting this goal."The U.S. energy industry is un Read More...
Owens Corning Issues $450M Green Bond
Owens Corning has completed the issuance of its inaugural green bond, This $450 million bond is payable over 10 years at a coupon rate of 3.95%. In conjunction with the bond, the company has committed to spend $445 million on eligible sustainability projects.Owens Corning is the first U.S. industria Read More...Tags: Owens Corning,

Owens Corning sets 2030 emissions and RE goals
Owens Corning set their target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and source 100% renewable energy as part of their 2030 sustainability goals announced Oct. 11.The emissions reduction target is in line with the guidance to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius and was approved by the Sci Read More...Tags: Owens Corning,

Owens Corning Cuts Emissions by 22%
Building and construction materials company Owens Corning has lowered Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 22% in 2022, from a 2018 baseline. These results move the company closer to its goal of a 50% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based GHG emissions by 2030.Owens Corning has inc Read More...Tags: Owens Corning,

Owens Corning Lowers Emissions 28%
Owens Corning achieved a 28% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions from a 2018 baseline. These results move Owens Corning, a global building and construction materials company, closer to its goal of a 50% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 market-based GHG emissions by 2030.The company al Read More...Tags: Owens Corning,