Oil-industry sponsored repo - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Procurement, Industrial, Power Prices, Regulation, Regulation  -  October 14, 2016

Industry study: New England energy costs will rise

A study released earlier this month by a group sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute warns that New England is at a greater risk of higher energy costs and price volatility than a year ago, in part due to new clean energy policies.

The study suggests that recent delays and cancellations of energy projects in the region, combined with new clean energy policies — such as changes to net metering rules and state renewable portfolio standards — could have greater adverse economic consequences through 2020 than previously estimated. Assessesing changes in the region since late 2015, the study found that failure to expand the region's natural gas pipelines, electricity transmission lines and electricity generation infrastructure could lead to $5.4 billion in higher energy costs to the region by 2020.

The study was prepared for and released by the New England Coalition for Affordable Energy, conducted by Daymark Energy Advisors and sponsored by business and industry groups of Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The New England Coalition for Affordable Energy, according to its website, is sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute. The full report is available here.

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