Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions - October 10, 2019
Philip Morris targets 100% carbon neutral factories
Philip Morris International announced Oct. 10 its target to achieve carbon neutrality in all its factories by 2030.
The announcement follows the carbon neutralization of PMI’s factory in Klaipeda, Lithuania, its first carbon-neutral facility.
Over the past 10 years, PMI has implemented multiple projects at the Klaipeda factory to optimize energy usage and reduce carbon emissions, including upgrading utility equipment, such as chillers and compressors, and facilitating heat recovery to optimize fuel use for heating purposes. The factory also installed a biomass boiler, procured certified renewable electricity and has offset natural gas carbon emissions with biogas certificates.
To offset the remaining carbon emissions and limit deforestation, PMI also invested in Gold Standard certificates from climate protection initiatives that support more than 9,000 families in India by promoting domestic biogas production to replace kerosene and firewood as cooking fuels.
Other deforestation efforts from PMI include working with farmers and suppliers across its tobacco supply chain to lower emissions in the tobacco curing process by 70% by 2020 and to achieve zero net deforestation of natural forests by 2025.
“A clear message emerged from last month’s Climate Week NYC, run in coordination with the UN General Assembly: Now is the time to act against climate change,” Huub Savelkouls, PMI’s Chief Sustainability Officer, said in a statement. “We share the ambition of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This requires setting challenging targets, taking action to achieve them and transparently reporting on progress and gaps. This is what our employees, our consumers and our shareholders expect from us. Today is important for PMI, as we celebrate our first step toward carbon neutrality in all our factories by 2030.”
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