Archdiocese of New York Launches RE Pilot Program - Smart Energy Decisions

Solar, Sourcing Renewables  -  November 16, 2018

Archdiocese of New York Launches RE Pilot Program

The Energy Department of the Archdiocese of New York along with five parishes has launched a renewable energy pilot program. Each of the parishes, including three on Staten Island and two in Yonkers, has signed a 20-year PPA with Con Edison Solutions.

According to a statement, each parish has installed rooftop solar arrays which will collectively generate approximately 700,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity through 1,717 solar panels. On average, the solar projects will provide approximately 50% of each parish's annual energy needs. The PPAs call for Con Edison Solutions to install, own, operate, and maintain the solar projects, allowing the parishes to reduce energy costs by approximately 25% on average over the next two decades.

"Blessed Sacrament is thrilled to become a host for clean, renewable energy by taking part in the Archdiocese’s solar program," said Monsignor Peter Finn, Pastor of Blessed Sacrament. "In addition to supporting sustainable energy while cutting energy costs and creating a physical demonstration of our commitment to preserving the environment for future generations, we will leverage the program as an educational aid by teaching our students about the latest clean energy technologies."

All five solar arrays are behind-the-meter, installed to serve the electrical needs at the customer’s building. The Archdiocese of New York is also working with Con Edison Solutions on potential community solar projects at other parishes, schools, and other institutions in the archdiocese.

This solar energy initiative is part of a larger energy program being led by the Energy Department of the Archdiocese of New York, which includes energy conservation efforts like energy audits, LED lighting upgrades, upgrades to higher efficiency heating and cooling options, tightening the building envelope and more efficient energy procurement.

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