New C&I Market Report and Best Practices - Smart Energy Decisions

Corporate Clean Energy Procurement: State of the Market

Type: White Paper
Categories: Energy Efficiency, Sourcing Renewables, Wind
Date Published: 7/10/2020
Source: Apex Clean Energy
Primary Topic: Sourcing Renewables

Why and how are companies making the transition to clean energy? The “why is increasingly clear. ESG commitments, paired with the compelling financial returns of renewable energy purchases, are driving procurement decisions in new ways. Buyers increasingly seek renewables as cost-competitive sources of new power generation that offer a hedge against price volatility seen in traditional energy options.

But for many power buyers, the “how remains elusive. This white paper from Apex Clean Energy offers a look at solutions to fit diverse needs and priorities and helps identify procurement strategies that new and experienced energy buyers alike can apply to help scale new projects and reach beyond their current energy solutions.

Download the report to explore perspectives and best practices on corporate clean energy procurement:


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