Capgemini - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, GHG Emissions, Sourcing Renewables  -  August 10, 2020

Capgemini targets net-zero by 2030

Capgemini recently announced their new target to be carbon neutral in their operations by 2025 and net-zero by 2030.

The Paris-based digital platform provider plans to meet this ten-year goal by reducing carbon emissions in their largest operational impact areas, which include business travel, commuting and office energy. They previously achieved their old target of reducing carbon emissions per employee by 30% in January 2020, a decade ahead of their goal.

The company also plans to convert to 100% renewable energy and introduce hybrid and electric vehicles to their car fleet. Any remaining emissions will be offset through various carbon offsetting programs like reforestation. From 2018 to 2019, Capgemini increased the amount of energy that comes from renewable sources from 23.7% to 46.2%.

“The current global situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the importance of the need to live in balance with our planet,” CEO Aiman Ezzat said in a statement. “Capgemini has had a decade long focus on reducing environmental impacts and whilst much has been achieved to date, we are now announcing our increased ambition. I have put acting on climate change at the heart of our Group priorities with a focal point of our ambitious target of net-zero by 2030. A strong set of actions have been put in place, that range from expanding our digital workplace initiatives and work from home, through to leveraging technology to help our clients drive down their own emissions.”

Other initiatives include their involvement as a founding member of the UN’s RacetoZero campaign and their target to use energy-saving technology to help their clients save 10 million tons of carbon by 2030.

Tags: Capgemini

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