Loblaw Sets 2040 Goals - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  March 24, 2022

Loblaw Sets 2040 Goals

Loblaw Companies Limited announced its plan to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2040 as part of several environmental commitments. 

“Having met major milestones reducing our carbon footprint and waste, we are now squarely focused on the next challenge — net-zero,” said Galen G. Weston, President and Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited in a statement. “It will see us deploy electric trucks, efficient heating and cooling, alternative energy, and innovative methods ahead. The need for action is as clear as our ambition, and it reflects the long-term vision our company has held across generations.”

In 2016, Loblaw, a Canadian grocery and drug store company, committed to a 30% reduction in corporate carbon emissions by 2030. The company met that target in 2020 due to its advancements in energy management, equipment conversions, and addressing refrigerant leaks. 

The company’s long-term roadmap includes achieving net zero GHG emissions for Loblaw’s operational footprint (Scope 1 and 2) by 2040 and achieving net zero for Scope 3, including those generated by suppliers by 2050.

The company will also take action on climate change through strategic initiatives, including moving to a zero-emission truck fleet by 2030.

Tags: Loblaw

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