CNX Resources Updates Emission Goals - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  May 17, 2022

CNX Resources Updates Emission Goals

CNX Resources Corp. invested in emissions reduction technologies to achieve further reductions in Scope 1 and 2 CO₂e emissions beyond the 90% reduction achieved since 2011 and tied executive compensation to emissions and methane intensity reduction targets.

The natural gas company also strengthened environmental reporting and disclosure with the establishment of the regulatory reporting group, committed to publishing a quarterly environmental scorecard and formed a new technologies team focused on leveraging existing assets and proprietary technology to drive carbon capture and methane abatement.

 "Our culture and core values of Responsibility, Ownership and Excellence are fully integrated into every aspect of our broader commercial goals, and we're excited to share the strides forward that our team continues to make in this year's report, which reflects our differentiated approach to driving long-term per-share value creation,” CNX President and CEO Nick DeIulii said in a statement with the release of the company's 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report.

The company incorporates standards from leading reporting frameworks, including the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.

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