California Resources Sets 2045 Goal - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  August 15, 2022

California Resources Sets 2045 Goal

California Resources announced its 2045 net zero goal and updated and expanded ESG goals on methane emissions and linked ESG performance to executive pay.

The energy company hired its first chief sustainability officer and advanced its Carbon Management Business including the Carbon TerraVault carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects and CalCapture CCS+ project.

Details were provided in its 2021 Sustainability Report. 

“Today, we are proud to share with you CRC’s progress and continued leadership in ESG performance,” said Mac McFarland, CRC President and CEO in a statement. “Since our inception in 2014, CRC has consistently set a high standard for environmental stewardship, safe, responsible operations, and community empowerment. In 2021, CRC continued our path to provide a cleaner and more sustainable energy mix by reducing our total Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 1 million metric tons in the first year of our 2045 Full-Scope Net Zero Goal. Establishing and executing on this goal places CRC among a select few industry peers.”



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