FMC Updates 2035 Progress - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  June 3, 2022

FMC Updates 2035 Progress

FMC Corporation achieved a milestone to reach net zero journey, submitting the company’s near-term 2030 emissions reduction targets for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 to SBTi. These include a 42% absolute reduction for Scope 1 and 2 emissions and 25% for Scope 3 emissions 25% absolute reduction.

Partnership with internal and external stakeholders is a key part of FMC’s climate strategy to commit to reduce GHG emissions beyond the company’s operations. Like most companies, the majority of FMC’s emissions or 94% are Scope 3. To lower Scope 3 emissions, the company has engaged key suppliers, many of whom have their own climate goals. 

The next step is to submit FMC’s long-term net zero targets to SBTi in Q3 2022. The company will focus on locations with the largest Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and identify opportunities for process efficiencies, renewable energy and technology advancements. Most recently, Stine Research Center, FMC’s global R&D headquarters and one of the top three energy consumers, completely overhauled its heating and cooling system to improve energy efficiency. As a result of this and other improvements, the site’s current energy use is down 10% from 2019.

The company commits to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2035, use renewable energy sources across all FMC locations, and drive absolute reductions (tons) in water usage and waste generation.  

FMC provided details in its 2021 sustainability report, For Generations to Come.

"This year's report demonstrates how we are committing to greater change across our global company – from net-zero greenhouse gas emissions to deeper engagement with farmers around the world," said Mark Douglas, FMC CEO said in a statement. "We are proud of the work our employees have done over the past year to advance sustainability objectives while delivering critically-needed crop protection products to support sustainable agriculture globally."


Keywords: FMC

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