Commercial, Solar, Sourcing Renewables - August 8, 2024
Microsoft Partners for 500 MW Community-Scale Solar
Tech company Microsoft entered a partnership to develop up to 500 megawatts (MWac) of community-scale solar energy projects across the United States between 2025 and 2029.
This five-year framework agreement signed by Microsoft and Pivot Energy supports both companies' commitment to supporting the renewable energy transition at the local level.
The agreement marks Microsoft's first major distributed generation portfolio. By matching customer electricity usage with new renewable electricity generation, the projects support the company's goal of reducing its Scope 3 emissions by more than half by 2030.
Through this collaboration, Pivot will develop approximately 150 U.S. solar projects in roughly 100 communities across 20 states, including Colorado, Maryland, Illinois, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Microsoft will purchase the project RECs for a 20-year term, and the first projects are expected to come online before the end of 2024.
Over 20 years, the 500 MWac will produce more than 1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually.
"We believe the clean energy transition can and should benefit communities across the United States that have been historically excluded from economic opportunity," said Adrian Anderson, GM, Renewables, Carbon Free Energy, CDR, Microsoft, in a statement. "Through our work with Pivot Energy and with its commitments to driving community impact, this collaboration helps to build more inclusive, local economic growth across 100 communities while addressing the sustainability needs and opportunities within those communities."
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