Accelerating and scaling corporate renewable energy - Smart Energy Decisions

Industrial, Solar, Sourcing Renewables, Wind  -  November 15, 2017

Report: General Motors' blueprint for accelerating and scaling corporate renewables

This paper published by General Motors Co. summarizes the auto giant's blueprint for accelerating and scaling a renewable energy plan; it is intended to help companies of all sizes and industries create efficiencies, gain internal support and drive progress.

Topics detailed include:

  • Practical tactics to help gain companywide support
  • Tips to determine the best renewable energy mix
  • Best practices to scale efforts and reach goals faster
  • Resources for further learning and engagement; and
  • Trends and future outlook for corporate renewable energy use.

GM pledged to meet its electricity needs at all of its global operations with renewable energy — such as wind, sun and landfill gas — by 2050. By the end of 2018, it will surpass the 20% mark. The commitment represents all the facilities where the company pays utility bills, which includes both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing buildings leased or owned by GM.

Download GM's blueprint

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