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Expert Columns

December 11, 2019 - By 3Degrees

How Mondelēz International is Reducing its Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Learn about this multinational food and beverage company’s global strategy roadmap and new VPPA that will help meet its ambitious GHG emissions reduction goal

Solar  -  November 22, 2019 - By Dan Misleh, Catholic Climate Covenant

Catholic Charities Benefits from Largest Ground-based Solar Array in DC

In direct response to a plea from Pope Francis, Catholic Climate Covenant developed a Catholic Energies program. This column from Dan Misleh discusses a venture to tap a huge portfolio—over 70,000 Catholic-owned buildings in the United States—and focus on both energy efficiency and solar energy.

Energy Efficiency  -  October 18, 2019

Honda plant reflects environmental commitment

Honda's Indiana manufacturing plant is an example of the company's commitment to preserving Blue Skies for Our Children by reducing the environmental impact of its products and factories. In this column, Honda explores how energy efficiency roots of the plant were built on lessons learned and how the company's philosophy is passed on throughout Honda's global operations.

October 2, 2019 - By ISG Energy Enterprise Solutions

The CFO's guide to energy management

Here’s a question for CFOs: When was the last time you took an in-depth look at your company’s energy strategy? In this column, ISG Enterprise Energy Solutions explores seven areas for CFOs to view their company’s energy strategy with an eye towards finding ways to reduce costs and improve earnings.

Energy Efficiency  -  September 25, 2019 - By Maria Stamas, Pierre Delforge, NRDC

San José Adopts Strongest Building Code Among Large Cities

San José has successfully reached for a modern, more sustainable building energy code with a vote by its City Council to adopt requirements for builders that will provide residents with clean, affordable energy in buildings and make good on the city's promise to lead on sustainability. This column from NRDC discusses how the city's Reach Code will make zero-emission electric buildings the default in San José.

September 6, 2019 - By Brian Janous, Microsoft

Building world-class sustainable datacenters and investing in solar power in Arizona

Microsoft has chosen Arizona as the location for the development of new world-class datacenter campuses to support the growing demand for cloud and internet services in Arizona and across the Western United States. In this column, Brian Janous of Microsoft explains how these campuses will be among the most sustainably designed and operated in the world – powered with 100% renewable energy.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 23, 2019 - By Caitlin Marquis, Advanced Energy Economy

Here’s What Big EVs Can Do For You 

While electric vehicle aficionados swoon over the latest addition to Tesla’s passenger vehicle line, companies, cities, and school districts are quietly taking advantage of new model offerings in the medium- and heavy-duty segment. This column from Advanced Energy Economy explores why fleet owners are making the switch to electric and considers the lessons learned by early adapters.

August 16, 2019 - By John Watkins, FSC Lighting

Best energy practices to edge out your competition

Are you using everything in your power to stay competitive in your market? This column from FSC Lighting shows that improving your company’s energy efficiency doesn’t just reduce overall energy costs—it can also help you edge out the competition, keeping you ahead of rapidly evolving technologies and saving money that you can allocate to various growth initiatives.

Energy Efficiency  -  July 29, 2019 - By Gavin Platt, Lucid

Making the Case for Energy Management Information Systems

There’s hidden potential for energy savings in your buildings, but how do you tap into it? This column from Gavin Platt, VP of design and co-founder of Lucid, discusses how innovators are learning to harness the power of building data in Energy Management Information Systems (EMIS) to activate a modern energy management program.

July 24, 2019 - By Scott Wood, EDF Climate Corps

What presidential hopefuls can learn from the original “Climate Corps”

The 2020 presidential candidates are starting to introduce an array of proposals to fight climate change. In this column from EDF Climate Corps, Scott Wood offers advice on what is needed to advance climate-related initiatives.

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