Clorox - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, GHG Emissions  -  September 9, 2021

Clorox Targets Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

The Clorox Company announced Sept. 7 a new ambition to achieve net-zero emissions across Scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2050.

In the interim, the consumer goods manufacturer plans to reduce operational emissions by 50% and reduce value chain emissions from purchased goods and services and the use of sold products by 25% before 2030. These science-based targets, based on 2020 levels, were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and are in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

“As a health and wellness company at heart, we recognize that the long-term well-being of future generations depends on the health of our planet,” CEO Linda Rendle said in a statement. “Taking decisive climate action is essential to protecting our planet and communities and demonstrates our commitment to our purpose – to champion people to be well and thrive. We have strong aspirations for decarbonizing our business as we accelerate our growth agenda for long-term value creation for all stakeholders.”

To reach its operational emissions goals, Clorox plans to maintain its use of 100% renewable electricity for U.S. and Canada operations, which it first reached in January 2021. Its reduction in Scope 3 emissions, the most abundant of its emissions, will be achieved by reducing virgin material and increasing the use of post-consumer recycled content in packaging.

Further development will be done on ways to incorporate climate considerations into purchased goods and services and reduce the carbon footprint of its products.

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