Using EMIS to identify top opportunities for efficiency - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Demand Management, Energy Efficiency, Power Prices  -  October 3, 2017

Using EMIS to identify top opportunities for efficiency

This guide from the U.S. DOE presents an overview of the top energy-savings opportunities in commercial buildings.

Building on data from the DOE's Better Buildings initiative, the guide shows how these opportunities can be identified using the type of interval meter analytics offered in energy information system technologies or using the automated analytics offered in fault detection and diagnostics systems.

The guide target audience is building owners and operators, facility managers, energy and sustainability managers, and others with modest experience in data analysis and performance monitoring. The guide covers nine energy savings opportunities that can be identified by EIS and/or FDD tools; each opportunity is summarized, followed by a description of the EIS and/or FDD (as applicable) analysis methodology, and examples of specific applications. 

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