Navigant: - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Distributed Energy Resources, Industrial  -  December 23, 2017

Report: DER capacity will quadruple by 2026

A new report from Navigant Research examines the global market for distributed energy resources, or DER, technologies, providing forecasts for installed capacity and revenue in the commercial and industrial and residential segments through 2026.

Technology advances, business model innovation, changing regulations, and sustainability and resilience concerns have brought DER into the core of the future deployment of energy infrastructure, Navigant said in a Dec. 21 news release announcing the report's release. Encompassing a broad set of solutions that include systems and technologies designed to operate closer to customers on the electricity grid, the global proliferation of DER has begun to have a significant, and at times controversial, influence on the electricity industry. 

According to the report, global DER capacity is expected to grow from 132.4 GW in 2017 to 528.4 GW in 2026.

"For countries and regions that started their energy transition early, the role of distributed generation technologies will be less while the technologies that help integrate this generation will play a key role in the deployment of DER infrastructure over the forecast period," Roberto Rodriguez Labastida, senior research analyst with Navigant Research, said in a statement. "In this realm, when and how the electrification of transport happens will have a significant impact on the development of DER deployments."

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