Vassar College goes 100% renewable - Smart Energy Decisions

Hydro, Solar, Sourcing Renewables, Wind  -  February 19, 2020

Vassar College goes 100% renewable

Vassar College has announced their newest initiative to promote sustainability: purchasing 100% of their energy from renewable sources.

The switch will be made possible through an agreement with EDF Energy that takes effect in July 2021, The Daily Freeman reported.

The energy needed to power the college will come from a variety of renewable sources, including solar, wind and hydro, Vassar Director of Sustainability Micah Kenfield told the publication. While the cost of renewable energy will be higher than their previous sources, Vassar intends to leverage the current state of the utility market to pay less under the new agreement with EDF Energy.

The college has previously set a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

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