Sourcing Renewables | Page 275
Sourcing Renewables - February 3, 2017
NFL, NRG powering Super Bowl with clean energy
Echoing the transition to cleaner power sources being made at businesses across the country, the NFL teamed up with NRG Energy to power this year's Super Bowl and associated events with clean energy.
Wind - February 2, 2017
Wind deal helps Intuit power HQ with renewables
Business and financial software company Intuit Inc. is moving to 100% renewable energy for its global headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., with the help of a new supply transaction.
Sourcing Renewables - February 1, 2017
Webinar: Reinventing renewable energy procurement for C&I companies
This webinar, sponsored by Altenex, explores current renewable energy purchasing options for commercial and industrial companies and digs into how Iron Mountain has implemented a multi-element renewables portfolio.
Sourcing Renewables - January 31, 2017
Home Depot makes 1st major wind investment
The Home Depot on Jan. 31 announced its first major investment in a wind-powered energy project; the company will purchase 50 MW of capacity from a Texas facility.
Commercial - January 31, 2017
IKEA to buy Canadian wind farm for $120M
IKEA Canada, through two separate purchases, is acquiring a Canadian wind farm for approximately $119.6 million.
Sourcing Renewables - January 30, 2017
Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers' Principles: Increasing access to renewable energy
These principles, updated in January 2017 and supported by more than 65 U.S. corporations, frame the challenges faced by and the common needs of large renewable energy buyers.
Sourcing Renewables - January 30, 2017
PepsiCo, 2 others join renewable buyers group
Three new companies have signed onto the Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers' Principles, a framework intended to help businesses advance their purchasing of clean energy from the grid.
Demand Management - January 27, 2017
SED Innovation Summit speakers, agenda updated
An updated agenda and confirmed list of speakers, including energy executives from Bloomberg LP, General Motors Co. and Procter and Gamble Co., is now available for the Smart Energy Decisions Innovation Summit.
Solar - January 26, 2017
NYC health system installs 'solar wall' at Bronx facility
New York City-based health care system Urban Health Plan has installed an innovative solar project at one of its facilities in the Bronx that is expected to reduce its energy costs by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Sourcing Renewables - January 25, 2017
Apple reaches deal for 200 MW of new Nevada solar
Apple announced Jan. 25 that it reached an agreement with Nevada utility NV Energy to build 200 MW of additional solar energy in the state by early 2019.
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