The Breakthrough Agenda Report 2022
Type: White Paper
Categories: GHG Emissions
Date Published: 11/21/2022
Primary Topic: GHG Emissions
The Breakthrough Agenda report looks at progress on reducing emissions in five key industry sectors – power, hydrogen, road transport, steel, and agriculture – and calls for stronger cooperation between governments, business, and society to speed up this transition.
The Report is from International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and UN Climate Change High-Level Champions.
The Breakthrough Agena was launched by 45 world leaders at COP26 and is a commitment to work together this decade to accelerate innovation and deployment of clean technologies, making them accessible and affordable for all this decade. It establishes an annual cycle to track developments towards these goals, identify where further coordinated international action is urgently needed to accelerate progress and then galvanize public and private international action behind these specific priorities in order to make these transitions quicker, cheaper, and easier for all.
Download the report to understand the priorities for strengthened international collaboration in the five focus sectors:
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