Humana highlights sustainability goals - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  August 8, 2018

Humana highlights sustainability goals

Humana announced on August 8 the company’s alignment with the United National Sustainable Development Goals, calling itself one of the first U.S. health insurers to commit to the international targets. The company also released its 2016-2017 Corporate Social Responsibility report.

 "While we have made significant impacts in the local communities we serve, we realize our responsibility as a leading healthcare company is to ensure that we’re operating our business in a sustainable way," said Bruce D. Broussard, Humana’s president and CEO, in a statement from the company. "Just as we approach member health holistically, our SDG commitments are an example of how we’re taking a big picture view of what it means to be a health and well-being company in the world today. At Humana, our focus on social responsibility is all about the investments we’re making to help people improve their health."

Among these commitments, highlighted in the company’s CSR report, the company said, "Humana employees rallied around company environmental goals set in 2014 and have since reduced greenhouse gas emissions by more than six percent and diverted 40 percent of waste (that would have gone to landfills) by using less and recycling more.”

Humana also announced it hit its target of a 5% reduction in energy consumption as of June 30, 2018, due in part to investments in building efficiency improvements, the optimization of building occupancy rates, and new energy-efficient processes.

The company set new environmental goals this year including commitments to decrease the company’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2.1 percent each year (compared with 2017 emissions) over a five-year period from 2018 through 2022.



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