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Energy Storage - December 12, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
Wal-Mart's journey to 100% renewables reinvigorated with energy storage, shifting utility models
As Wal-Mart Stores Inc. ventures farther down its somewhat long and winding road to 100% renewable energy, advancements in technologies such as energy storage and in the way it works with its utilities are accelerating its journey.
Energy Efficiency - December 12, 2016
The $80B energy savings opportunity for commercial and industrial organizations
This white paper, presented by Edison Energy, addresses the $260 billion that commercial and industrial organizations spend on electricity and natural gas every year, and the opportunities for large energy users to reduce their spending.
GHG Emissions - December 12, 2016
VF cuts CO2 emissions 12% amid operations expansion
Through increasing its use of renewable energy and energy efficiency, apparel and footwear company VF Corp. has reduced its global carbon emissions 12% while adding 500 sites to its global operations between 2011 and 2015.
Sourcing Renewables - December 12, 2016
Apple partners with China's largest wind manufacturer
Continuing its push into the renewable energy industry, Apple Inc. will acquire a 30% stake in four wind projects from China's largest wind manufactuer.
December 9, 2016
Agenda, speakers unveiled for SED Innovation Summit
With the inaugural Smart Energy Decisions Innovation Summit quickly approaching, a more detailed agenda and confirmed list of speakers, including energy executives from General Motors, Procter & Gamble and Switch, is now available.
Distributed Energy Resources - December 8, 2016
At 71% green power, IKEA looks to efficiency, storage
Among IKEA's strategies to make its buildings more energy efficient are five U.S. fuel cell pilot programs that are expected to yield more than $1.3 million in savings each year.
Solar - December 3, 2016
Weekend reads: Ivanka Trump as climate czar; solar roads; the purple haze of LED lights & more
Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web
Energy Efficiency - December 2, 2016
Wendy's joins Energy Star seeking deeper efficiencies
The Wendy's Company, looking to improve energy efficiency throughout its restaurants, has joined the U.S. EPA's Energy Star program.
GHG Emissions - December 2, 2016
Microsoft: Expanding beyond carbon neutral operations to accelerate global and local good
This white paper from Microsoft serves as a progress report on the tech giant's climate-related initiatives, including its internal carbon price program, as well as a glimpse into the future of its sustainability strategy more broadly.
GHG Emissions - November 28, 2016
Microsoft report details carbon program expansion
Since implementing an internal carbon price in 2012, Microsoft says it has invested in more 14 million MWh of clean power.
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