Commercial | Page 185
Energy Storage - October 31, 2016
Panasonic to install solar-plus-storage system
Panasonic has reached an agreement for the development and installation of a solar-plus-storage system at its Denver operations hub.
October 28, 2016
Emerging green tariffs in regulated utility markets
This World Resources Institute report, done in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, offers an updated list of emerging green tariff proposals and offerings for commercial and industrial customers in regulated markets in the United States.
Sourcing Renewables - October 28, 2016
Utility green tariffs on the rise, new report finds
In partial response to demand from large commercial and industrial energy users, the number of green tariff options provided by U.S. utilities increased significantly in 2016, a new report has found.
Energy Efficiency - October 27, 2016 - By Erin Beddingfield
It's time to get smart with energy management
The commercial real estate market needs to move beyond simple building automation systems.
Energy Efficiency - October 27, 2016
Transforming the market through EMIS
Aimed at commercial real estate professionals, vendors, utilities and local governments, this report from IMT analyzes current barriers to widespread adoption of energy management information systems while presenting trends and solutions for increased implementation.
Energy Efficiency - October 26, 2016
PepsiCo reports $96M+ in energy cost savings
PepsiCo's energy efficiency efforts have saved the company more than $96 million since 2006; looking forward, it plans to combine efficiency with cleaner power to meet its 2025 sustainability goals.
Energy Storage - October 25, 2016
Home Depot to install 200 energy storage systems
The Home Depot has plans to deploy a new energy storage solution, created through a newly announced strategic alliance between Southern Co. and Bloom Energy, at about 60 of its retail stores, bringing its total installations to 200.
Regulation - October 21, 2016
C&I electric customers gain new benefits in Delware
Business customers of Delmarva Power have been allotted new benefits — including additional energy efficiency funding for large commercial and industrial companies — associated with the utility's completed merger with Exelon under a decision by state regulators.
Energy Efficiency - October 19, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak
Verizon aims for efficiency with 'smart store' design
When people think of Verizon, they typically think of cell phones. That might change for people working in energy or sustainability after a closer look at its long-running commitment to energy efficiency.
Energy Efficiency - October 17, 2016
Symantec retrofits cut energy use 30%
Technology company Symantec completely retrofitted two buildings at its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters last year, resulting in a 30% reduction in energy use.
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