Energy Efficiency | Page 263
Energy Efficiency - December 12, 2018
Norfolk Southern highlights efficiency achievements
Norfolk Southern Corporation announced it improved locomotive fuel efficiency by 5% in 2017 vs. 2016, conserving 23 million gallons of diesel fuel and avoiding more than 233,750 metric tons of GHG emissions.
Solar - December 12, 2018
University of Illinois to add second solar farm
The University of Illinois (UI) plans to add a second solar farm that is expected to help the campus meet its goal of generating 5% of its energy needs from renewable sources as part of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCap). The existing solar installation currently generates about 2% of campus use.
Wind - December 10, 2018
University of Kansas signs wind PPA
The University of Kansas has signed a 20-year wind PPA to cover roughly 100% of its electricity needs. The agreement, signed with Westar Energy, will provide the campus with 31 MW from the 300-MW Soldier Creek Wind farm, which is expected to begin operations by the end of 2020.
Sourcing Renewables - December 8, 2018
Weekend reads: Green New Deal gains momentum; Beijing turns to solar
It's the weekend! Kick back and relax with these must-read energy articles from around the web:
Hydro - December 6, 2018
University of Pittsburgh turns to hydropower
The University of Pittsburgh announced that starting in 2022, 25% of its electricity will be purchased from a new hydropower plant currently under construction five miles from campus. The announcement is part of the University’s plan to get the research institution to 50% renewable power by 2030.
Distributed Energy Resources - December 6, 2018
Partners HealthCare adds fuel cell system
Partners HealthCare, an integrated health system founded by Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, will deploy 4.1 megawatts of fuel cell-based energy systems at locations throughout Massachusetts.
Energy Efficiency - December 5, 2018 - By Sal Alhelo
The Invisible Enemy of Energy Management Programs (And 5 Steps to Beat it)
The efficiency you get out of your building today is rarely what your building is capable of. In this column, Sal Alhelo of JCPenney discusses the issue of efficiency degradation and how to avoid it in five steps.
GHG Emissions - December 4, 2018
Xcel Energy targets zero-carbon electricity by 2050
Xcel Energy announced it will deliver 100% carbon-free electricity to customers by 2050. The Minneapolis-based energy provider also plans to reduce carbon emissions in the eight states it serves by 80% by 2030 from 2005 levels in the eight states it serves.
Wind - December 4, 2018
Lowe’s signs first RE agreement
Lowe’s has signed the company’s first renewable wind energy agreement. The deal calls for 100 megawatts of wind, which is enough to power all 143 Lowe’s stores in Texas.
GHG Emissions - December 3, 2018
Shell to link pay to interim targets
Shell announced plans to link executive pay to the meeting of its energy targets, one of a series of steps aimed to help meet their target to reduce the company’s net carbon footprint by around half by 2050, including an interim target of around 20% by 2035.
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