Energy Efficiency | Page 286
Energy Efficiency - August 23, 2017
Energy innovation earns Chevy plant top EPA award
General Motors Co. has had a sharp focus on energy efficiency for years, but just recently earned a new performance honor from the U.S. EPA for the Kansas plant that is home to the Chevrolet Malibu.
Energy Efficiency - August 22, 2017
PACE financing projects take off in Michigan
An energy efficiency overhaul of Detroit's historic Whitney Restaurant that includes heating, cooling, lighting, controls and window insulation was recently profiled as the first in the area to use financing from the Property Assessed Clean Energy program.
Distributed Energy Resources - August 21, 2017
Maryland announces $5.5M CHP grant program
In outlining the program, which will be administered by the Maryland Energy Administration, Gov. Larry Hogan highlighted the new CHP system installed at Peninsula Regional Medical Center, which was funded in part by a $494,320 grant from the state.
August 19, 2017
Weekend reads: Rainbow-colored solar panels; Mexico looks to cap-and-trade; 'PACE' loan defaults & more
Kick back with these must-read energy news stories from around the web.
Energy Efficiency - August 18, 2017
Cooper Tire & Rubber cuts energy use 18%
Findlay, Ohio-headquartered Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. said Aug. 11 that it has reduced energy usage intensity by 18% since 2009.
Energy Efficiency - August 14, 2017
Case study: 3M's road to ISO 50001, SEP certification
This case study outlines the enterprisewide approach taken by The 3M Company, a multinational manufacturer, to certify multiple sites to the Better Buildings Initiative's "Superior Energy Performance" program, which includes a certified ISO 50001 energy management system.
GHG Emissions - August 11, 2017
Despite setbacks, Eastman cuts energy use
Helped by a restructuring of its energy programs, Eastman Chemical Co. has improved its energy intensity by 10.1% and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 14% and has implemented a variety of programs to improve the environmental impact across its facilities.
GHG Emissions - August 11, 2017
Las Vegas Sands revamps efficiency projects
Detailing the company’s first annual measurement against new sustainability goals, Las Vegas Sands Corp. recently released its 2016 environmental report.
CHP - August 10, 2017 - By Megan Corsano
UK university implements biofuel CHP plant
A university in the U.K. recently implemented a biofuel combined heat and power plant focused on creating flexibility behind the meter, allowing customers to be more in control of how they use their own power, in what the team behind the project calls an “energy system of the future.”
Finance - August 9, 2017 - By Amy Poszywak
Green bond funds help Digital Realty hit energy goals
As the use of green bonds continues to increase among U.S. corporations, Digital Realty in 2016 became one of the first REITs, and the first data center REIT, to successfully complete an issuance. Proceeds have since been used to help fund nine projects across four countries.
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