Energy Management Articles | Page 500
GHG Emissions - April 9, 2020
Neenah cuts emissions by 15%, energy use by 18%
Neenah reduced greenhouse gas emissions by more than 15% and cut energy consumption by more than 18%.
Sourcing Renewables - April 9, 2020
City of Princeton launches community RE program
The City of Princeton, N.J., announced April 7 a new community renewable energy program that will provide an electric supply with 50% renewable energy content to residents at a slightly cheaper price than the local utility.
April 9, 2020
Lordestown Motors chosen for EV fleet conversions
Lordstown Motors Corp. announced April 7 that they have received a Letter of Intent from a Florida-based company specializing in fast DC and Level II EV chargers to broker 1,000 Endurances truck models for the conversion of client fleets to electric
Distributed Energy Resources - April 8, 2020
Groups urge Hawaiian regulators to lean on DERs to rebuild economy
Distributed energy resource groups in Hawaii sent a letter to the state's Public Utilities Commission on April 3 urging regulators to speed up interconnection processes in an attempt to rebuild the Hawaiian economy following the COVID-19 crisis
GHG Emissions - April 8, 2020
AECOM's target for 20% emissions cut approved by SBTi
AECOM has announced a goal to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 20% and supply chain emissions by 10% before 2025 and it has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
April 8, 2020
Ingka Group buys into two U.S. solar projects for IKEA stores
Ingka Group, the owner of 380 IKEA stores in 30 countries, finalized the takeover of two U.S. solar projects that have a total capacity of 403 MW.
Sourcing Renewables - April 7, 2020
Renewables' share of market stays strong despite falling gas prices
Renewable energy is expected to account for nearly 21% of the electricity in the United States this year, the highest percentage ever, despite falling oil and gas prices as the COVID-19 crisis upends the world economy.
Energy Efficiency - April 7, 2020
Colgate-Palmolive sees 350K MWh drop in energy use
Colgate-Palmolive Company has implemented energy efficiency upgrades that since 2012 have saved the company approximately 349,754 MWh of energy use and 121,824 metric tons of CO2.
Industrial - April 6, 2020
Chile's Centinela mines to be powered with 100% clean energy
Antofagasta announced April 1 that they have signed a PPA that will allow them to source 100% of the energy needed to power their Centinela copper mines from renewable sources by 2022.
GHG Emissions - April 6, 2020
Northwestern University cuts emissions 12%, energy use 18%
Northwestern University has successfully reduced energy usage per square foot by 18% since 2010 and achieved a 12% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions since 2012 through a combination of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
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