Energy Management | Page 504 | Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Management Articles | Page 504

Commercial  -  March 24, 2020

UPS tests new electric vehicles for operational efficiency

UPS announced Wednesday that they have begun rounds of testing of new Gaussin electric vehicles that would be used to move semi-trailers and containers at their London Hub.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  March 24, 2020

Study finds need for increased grid flexibility as electrification grows

Wood Mackenzie recently released a new study that explores the increased need for flexibility in the power grid as renewable energy growth continues to take off.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 24, 2020

Maryland manufacturers to receive energy efficiency assistance

Manufacturing facilities in Maryland could be receiving help with improving their energy savings performance through a new partnership between Regional Manufacturing Institute and Green Generation.

Sourcing Renewables  -  March 23, 2020

White Paper: Enterprise Energy Strategies

Developing a comprehensive energy strategy is critical for brand reputation, expense management, sustainability, and risk mitigation. This white paper from Stem offers enterprise leaders in energy, operations, and facilities information about the changing energy landscape and leading-edge enterprise strategies for adapting and staying ahead.

GHG Emissions  -  March 23, 2020

Butterfly Ventures becomes first carbon-neutral VC firm in Europe

The Finnish VC firm Butterfly Ventures announced that they have become the first carbon-neutral VC firm in Europe by reducing air travel, sourcing renewable energy and purchasing emission credits.

Solar  -  March 23, 2020

Solar and wind industries ask Congress for extensions amidst COVID-19

Solar Energy Industries Association and American Wind Energy Association wrote a letter to Congress detailing the challenges the renewable energy faces in the U.S. due to the COVID-19 pandemic and offering solutions to ensure work opportunities and establish a new clean energy grid during the crisis.

GHG Emissions  -  March 21, 2020

Weekend reads: How social distancing is helping combat climate change; Habitat for Humanity's energy efficiency program

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 20, 2020

Southern California town plans 6,500 streetlight LED retrofit

The City of Menifee, Calif., has begun work on an LED retrofit of over 6,500 streetlights in a project that is expected to save the city approximately $9.5 million over 20 years.

Utilities  -  March 19, 2020

Utah legislature invests in EV charging network

The State of Utah may be investing $50 million into an electric vehicle charging infrastructure through a public-private partnership in a new bill that was introduced in the state legislature this week.

Finance  -  March 19, 2020

New York awards $1 billion to 21 state RE projects

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced March 13 20-year awards for 1,278 MW of clean energy across 21 large-scale solar, wind and energy storage projects that will provide power within the state.

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