Energy Management Articles | Page 592
Commercial - October 23, 2018
Self-storage facilities switch entire portfolio to LED
National Storage Affiliates Trust plans to convert its entire portfolio of self-storage facilities to LED lighting to cut down energy costs, one of its largest operating expenses, by reducing energy consumption.
Energy Efficiency - October 22, 2018
RESF Fall Presentation: Shell's Sky Scenario
Smart Energy Decision's Fall Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum featured presentations addressing the theme of creating and executing RE strategies. Here is the first in a series of these presentations, "Shell's Sky Scenario: Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement"
Wind - October 22, 2018
Nestle Waters uses wind to power Texas facilities
Nestlé Waters North America will start to power over 50% of its manufacturing and distribution facilities in Texas with clean energy supplied by a local wind farm through a renewable energy agreement signed with ENGIE Resources on Oct. 22.
Commercial - October 22, 2018
Amazon UK implements solar, battery storage projects
Amazon is continuing its 100% renewable energy goal by installing large-scale rooftop solar panels on 10 of its UK fulfillment centers alongside rolling out a battery storage installation, the company announced on Oct. 16.
Energy Storage - October 19, 2018
San Diego Zoo Global adds onsite battery storage
San Diego Zoo Global will add a new storage project featuring a 1 MW battery to mitigate spike in usage to lower demand charges. The system will also minimize energy costs by recharging the battery when energy is at its lowest available rates
Energy Efficiency - October 19, 2018
City of Lincoln retrofits to LED
The City of Lincoln, Neb. will undertake a city-wide street lighting retrofit project that will improve the city’s safety and sustainability efforts while reducing its utility budget by 38%.
Wind - October 18, 2018
Walmart and Cargill join for wind VPPA
Cargill and Walmart are sharing the offtake of a new wind farm in South Dakota. Walmart first announced an agreement in April to purchase 150MW of wind power from Geronimo Energy’s 200MW Crocker Wind Farm. Cargil followed on October with the announcement of a 12-year VPPA for the remaining 50MW of the project.
Wind - October 18, 2018
Iron Mountain moves towards goal with wind PPA
Iron Mountain Inc., a storage and information management services company, announced on October 17 the signing of a 15-year PPA for 145 MW of new wind energy from the Pretty Prairie Wind Farm, located in Reno County, KS.
Sourcing Renewables - October 17, 2018
Climbing the Corporate (Renewable Procurement) Ladder
This white paper, presented by EDF Renewables, compares the process of procuring renewable energy to climbing a ladder. But how tall a ladder will you need? What steps do you need to take to get to the top?
October 17, 2018
Sony moves up RE goal
Sony Corporation has announced a new target for its commitment to using 100% renewable electricity. Just one month after announcing a 2040 target, the company moved the target to 2040.
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