Siemens, Tesla , NRDC and others push NY on EV - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, Regulation, Sourcing Renewables  -  February 23, 2018

Siemens, Tesla , NRDC and others push NY on EV

A petition signed by 40 organizations, including Siemens, Tesla, and NRDC, was submitted to the New York Public Service Commission on Feb. 21 requesting more action to accelerate electric vehicle adoption by turning to utilities to be more proactive in supporting transportation electrification.

According to a report by NDRC, the petition is supported by automakers, bus manufacturers, EV charging service providers, labor groups, business associations, environmental NGOs, and other organizations.

NRDC noted that New York has the potential to reap $17.8 billion in cumulative benefits by 2050 from lower utility customer electric bills, reduced vehicle fueling and maintenance costs, and decreased GHG emissions if New York meets its 80 percent greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target.

The petition seeks to address two fundamental challenges that limit utility engagement on transportation electrification issues. First is utility rate case processes, whereby utilities submit proposals that do not allow for sufficient treatment of issues like electric vehicles, energy efficiency, and other clean energy technologies that are needed to meet state climate and clean energy goals. Second is that the PSC, which regulates utilities in New York, has not given utilities strong guidance on the role they should play in accelerating transportation electrification.

To address these challenges, the petition recommends the following:

  • The PSC open a proceeding or a pathway to address a broad array of transportation electrification issues outside of rate cases for simplicity; and
  • The PSC accept, review, and approve utility proposals to accelerate transportation electrification, including the deployment of charging infrastructure, education and outreach campaigns, and other market acceleration programs to reach state goals. In a rate case, these proposals often get swamped by other issues that utilities and other parties bring to bear.
Keywords: NRDC, Siemens, tesla

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