Peet's Coffee Launches Carbon-Offsetting Subscription - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions  -  May 24, 2021

Peet's Coffee Launches Carbon-Offsetting Subscription Series

Peet’s Coffee announced May 19 a new coffee subscription that supports the planting of trees and allows customers to offset their carbon footprint.

The coffee chain’s new Carbon Neutral Series will plant three mangrove supertrees in Myanmar for every two pounds of coffee delivered through the subscription. This would mean the planting of 36 trees for a year’s subscription, allowing consumers to offset their annual carbon emissions once 30 trees have grown over 20 years.

"We're proud to debut our Carbon Neutral Series as a step towards Peet's incorporating more sustainable practices in regard to carbon neutrality across our business, furthering our commitment to source the highest quality coffee for our customers in a way that respects the environment," Tiffin Groff, VP/GM of E-Commerce at Peet's Coffee, said in a statement. "We're excited to take this step to better our planet by sponsoring carbon dioxide-absorbing mangrove trees, while providing consumers with the sustainable coffee that they've come to expect from Peet's."

Peet’s partnered with Envritas on the project. The subscription will include a rotation of twelve coffee varieties at $38/month for 2 pounds of coffee.

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