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Solar - August 7, 2018
Tour Amazon's rooftop solar system
Amazon offered a tour of their fulfillment center in Tracy, California, which now features one of the largest rooftop solar systems in California.
Sourcing Renewables - August 6, 2018
Apple, Akamai, Etsy, Swiss Re collaborate on RE aggregation
Apple, Akamai, Etsy and Swiss Re announced on August 6 an agreement to develop two new wind and solar energy farms in Illinois and Virginia. Spearheaded by Apple, the new projects will generate 290 megawatts to the PJM electric grid serving much of the Eastern U.S.
Energy Efficiency - August 3, 2018
Infographic: Energy efficiency inside Yum! buildings
Yum! Brands 2017 Global Citizenship & Sustainability Report recorded the company's 22% energy reduction compared to a 2005 baseline, saving an estimated 4.3 billion MWh of electricity. Company efforts included 40,000 energy- and water-saving technologies implemented in 2017 alone.
Wind - August 2, 2018
Facebook signs wind PPA in Indiana
Facebook has signed a 15-year PPA for 139 MW of power from the Headwaters II Wind Farm in Randolph County, Indiana. The wind farm, operated by EDP Renewables, SA, produces a total of 200 MW and is expected to be operational in 2020.
August 2, 2018
UPS partners on electric delivery truck
UPS announced a collaboration with Thor Trucks, Inc., to develop and test a fully-electric medium-duty delivery truck in Los Angeles. The truck, which will have a driving range of approximately 100 miles powered by a Thor-designed and built battery, is expected to be ready for deployment later this year.
Sourcing Renewables - August 1, 2018
Case Study: Bloomberg—From RECs to RE100!
This case study, presented by Edison Energy, powered by Altenex, details the renewables efforts made by Bloomberg L.P. — from their initial procurement of RECs in 2007 to a commitment to source 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2025.
Solar - July 30, 2018
RESF Presentation: Fifth Third Bank - 100% Renewable with a Single Solar PPA
Fifth Third Bank and Schneider Electric's presentation on "Fifth Third Bank’s bold entry into RE sourcing" was a highlight of Smart Energy Decisions' recent Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum Spring event.
July 25, 2018
White paper: Reinventing Electrical Resiliency - Power Failure and Your Business
This white paper, presented by Enchanted Rock, begins with the warning that as the electric grid becomes more vulnerable to disturbances, organizations must be able to endure, minimize, and recover from disruptive power outages.
Solar - July 25, 2018
Honolulu airport installs solar carport
The Honolulu airport will install an array featuring 4,260 solar modules atop a new carport on the roof of its Terminal 1 parking garage in a project that aligns with the state’s goal to reach 100% renewable energy by 2045.
July 23, 2018
AT&T drives towards 15,000 alternative fuel vehicles
AT&T announced plans to reach 15,000 alternative fuel vehicles on the road by the end of this year.
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