Sourcing Renewables | Page 188 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Sourcing Renewables | Page 188

Sourcing Renewables  -  November 26, 2019

Beyond the Meter Podcast - Episode 7: Look Who Switched To Renewables: Sprint’s Journey To Lower Emissions

Every company has its own unique set of hurdles to overcome in setting and attaining sustainability goals. In this conversation Amy Bond, Energy and Sustainability Program Manager at Sprint explains how Sprint started to look at procuring renewables as early as 2008 - and how their plans finally came to fruition with a 12-year VPPA signed in 2019.

Solar  -  November 26, 2019

Cincinnati plans nation's largest municipal solar project

The City of Cincinnati has in the works the largest municipal solar project in the country, a 100 MW project expected to reduce the region's annual carbon emissions by 158,000 tons.

Solar  -  November 22, 2019 - By Dan Misleh, Catholic Climate Covenant

Catholic Charities Benefits from Largest Ground-based Solar Array in DC

In direct response to a plea from Pope Francis, Catholic Climate Covenant developed a Catholic Energies program. This column from Dan Misleh discusses a venture to tap a huge portfolio—over 70,000 Catholic-owned buildings in the United States—and focus on both energy efficiency and solar energy.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 22, 2019

Great Wolf Lodge to save $1.3 million from energy initatives

Great Wolf Lodge expects to see over $1.3 million in energy savings and a 10% reduction in carbon emissions within the first year of a new energy initiative being rolled out at locations across the country.

Energy Efficiency  -  November 21, 2019

Richmond City Council approves clean energy loan program

The Richmond, Va., City Council has approved the city's first C-PACE program, which will allow commercial property owners to gain loans to pursue clean energy improvements on their buildings.

Sourcing Renewables  -  November 19, 2019

Estée Lauder signs VPPA to achieve 100% RE

The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. signed their first VPPA Nov. 15, making them the first cosmetics company to sign this type of agreement.

Sourcing Renewables  -  November 19, 2019

Lyft adds new fleet of electric vehicles

Lyft entered into an agreement Nov. 19 that will provide electric vehicles to the ride-share company for use in its short-term rental program, increasing the number of electric vehicles on the platform.

Solar  -  November 18, 2019

Target achieves 500 rooftop solar projects ahead of schedule

Target announced Nov. 17 that it reached its goal to have 500 rooftop solar systems across its locations by 2020 with the competition of a 240 MW installation on the roof of the Napa, Calif., retail store.

Energy Storage  -  November 18, 2019

Calif. school district celebrates new energy program

Hayward Unified School District in California launched a sustainable energy program that includes a 5.3 MW solar and integrated electric vehicle and battery storage project, alongside the rollout of several building efficiency improvements.

Solar  -  November 14, 2019

Denver campus installs 779 kW rooftop solar

The Auraria Campus in Denver, Colo., announced Nov. 12 the near completion of a 770 kW solar project on its library rooftop, the largest single-roof solar array in downtown Denver.

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