Sourcing Renewables | Page 196
Energy Efficiency - April 26, 2019
Lockheed Martin saves with 53 programs
Lockheed Martin has implemented 53 energy efficiency and carbon reduction projects, including HVAC, lighting, building control systems, renewable energy, and retro-commissioning, resulting in an annual energy reduction of an estimated equivalent of 29 million kWh and $2.2 million in recurring annual cost avoidance.
Solar - April 26, 2019
MTA launches solar roof initiative for green (energy and dollars)
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced that it is launching a new initiative that will generate clean, emission-free, solar electricity as well as begin to open up a new frontier of previously untapped revenue: the leasing of potentially millions of square feet of industrial roof space in New York City to companies interested in generating solar power.
April 24, 2019
Johns Hopkins covers 2/3 of power with solar PPA
Johns Hopkins University has entered into a long-term agreement to supply its campuses with more than 250,000 megawatt-hours of solar power per year. The 15-year agreement begins in 2021 and will allow the university to meet roughly two-thirds of its overall electricity needs with solar power.
April 24, 2019
San Francisco to require 100% RE for commercial buildings
Mayor London N. Breed announced a plan to transition private commercial buildings in San Francisco of 50,000 square feet and larger to 100% renewable electricity. This new clean electricity requirement will be the first in the nation and will reduce emissions from the City’s largest commercial buildings by an additional 21% to accelerate San Francisco’s drive towards 100% RE by 2030.
Wind - April 23, 2019
EY US to be 100% renewable in 2020
Ernst & Young LLP announced it has signed VPPAs to initiate the construction of two large-scale Texas-based wind farms. The wind farms are scheduled to be operational mid-2020 and are expected to generate enough zero-carbon electricity to offset the absolute GHG emissions of the company’s U.S. business.
Wind - April 23, 2019
General Mills heads for goals with VPPA
General Mills has taken a big step toward its climate goal by signing a 15-year VPPA for a wind project in central Texas. The new wind project will produce renewable energy credits for General Mills that, together with the company’s previous wind power agreement, are calculated to equal% 100 percent of the electricity used annually at the company’s owned domestic facilities.
Solar - April 22, 2019
Shining Cities 2019 - The Top U.S. Cities for Solar Energy
America’s major cities have played a key role in the clean energy revolution and stand to reap tremendous benefits from solar energy. “Shining Cities 2019: The Top U.S. Cities for Solar Energy” from Environment America presents a list of top solar cities and best practices to follow as cities tap their solar potential.
Solar - April 22, 2019
Bed Bath & Beyond adds solar to corporate office
Bed Bath & Beyond celebrated Earth Day by adding a nearly 500-kilowatt solar system at its corporate office in Union, New Jersey. The system also marks one decade of a partnership between the retailer and SunPower, which started with a 1.2-megawatt system at that office and has since resulted in the deployment of solar arrays at 41 locations across six states.
Utilities - April 22, 2019
Facebook hit with $39M utility bill in NM
Facebook will be billed $39 million by PNM, nearly half the cost of a new $85 million transmission line, according to a ruling from the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) in New Mexico.
Sourcing Renewables - April 20, 2019
Weekend reads: Grocers go green to compete; World's largest solar plant
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:
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