Smart Energy Decisions News
Hydro - May 11, 2020
Villanova Univ. to source 50% power from hydro plant
Villanova University recently announced that they have signed an agreement that will allow them to ensure that 50% of the energy they purchase will be sourced from the Holtwood Hydroelectric Power Plant.
Sourcing Renewables - May 9, 2020
Weekend reads: Shell's clean energy plan; Visualizing America's energy use
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
Energy Efficiency - May 8, 2020
Just Salad to implement energy efficiency improvements
Just Salad announced May 5 that they will be implementing energy efficiency initiatives including upgrades to lighting, HVAC and refrigeration at three pilot locations in New York City in a move that is expected to reduce their carbon emissions by 91.2 metric tons annually.
Energy Efficiency - May 8, 2020
FedEx cuts emissions intensity 40% with fuel saving strategies
FedEx announced May 7 that they have successfully reduced CO2 emissions intensity by 40% since 2009 and avoided more than 3 million metric tons of CO2e emissions through fuel and energy-saving initiatives and their Reduce, Replace, Revolutionize strategy.
Solar - May 8, 2020
Richmond, Calif., installs solar-powered EV charger
The City of Richmond, Calif., has received solar-power electric vehicle charging infrastructure that will allow for convenient charging opportunities for residents as well as increased resiliency.
Solar - May 7, 2020
Redwood Coast Energy Authority plans new solar project for residents
California residents will soon be benefitting from a 100 MW solar project in Kern County through the Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA), a joint powers government agency focusing on increasing clean energy in the region.
GHG Emissions - May 7, 2020
Total targets net-zero emissions
French oil and gas giant Total announced May 5 their new ambition to get to net-zero emissions across all their European businesses by 2050 in timeline with the EU zero emissions target.
GHG Emissions - May 7, 2020
Illinois school district preps for EV bus fleet
Triad School District in Illinois is planning a 15-year process of replacing 50% of their 27-vehicle school bus fleet with electric vehicles and will soon be receiving the first three of these vehicles pending coronavirus delays.
Sourcing Renewables - May 6, 2020
Supply choice and utility programs are key to increasing C&I RE, report finds
A new report from the REBA Institute found that the fastest and most cost-effective path to increasing customer renewable energy access could be expanding competitive supply options, utility subscription programs and renewable energy portfolio standards.
Solar - May 6, 2020
New York State unveils newest community solar project
The Town of Denmark, N.Y., became the site of a new 7.2 MW community solar project that will provide clean energy to customers anywhere in National Grid’s existing distribution system.
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