Renewable Energy Articles | Page 310
GHG Emissions - May 22, 2019
LG commits to carbon neutrality by 2030
LG Electronics (LG) has launched its Zero Carbon 2030 initiative, committing to achieving net-zero carbon emissions from its global operations within 12 years.
Energy Efficiency - May 18, 2019
Weekend reads: Trump vs. Obama on lightbulbs; What's next for energy?
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read stories from around the web:
May 17, 2019
Tech giants join to demand increased RE, storage from Dominion
Ten large technology companies joined together to sign a letter demanding that Dominion Energy provide clean energy options for these large electric power users. The companies all operate in the northern Virginia area that is serviced by Dominion.
May 16, 2019
Anheuser-Busch completes their largest U.S. off-site solar array
Anheuser-Busch has completed the installation of its largest U.S. off-site solar project in the town of Van Buren, N.Y. The company’s nearby Baldwinsville brewery is the sole off-taker of the 2.76-megawatt project.
GHG Emissions - May 15, 2019
Walmart's inaugural ESG Report
Walmart has issued its inaugural Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report, which details the company's goals, progress, and achievements for fiscal year 2019 towards its commitment to build sustainability in supply chains and activate climate change initiatives.
May 15, 2019
Potential Google data center gets wind power nod
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission unanimously approved a series of contracts between Google and Xcel Energy to provide electricity for Google’s proposed new $600 million data center in Becker, Minn. Two wind farms operated by Xcel would be dedicated to the project.
May 14, 2019
Indianapolis Colts go green
The Indianapolis Colts will begin installing solar panels at the Indiana Farm Bureau Football Center, the team’s headquarters and practice facility, in the upcoming months.
May 13, 2019 - By Better Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy
What is Efficiency-as-a-Service?
As-a-service business models are growing in popularity - and one of the most impactful may be Efficiency-as-a-Service. This column from Better Buildings discusses this pay-for-performance, off-balance sheet financing solution that allows customers to implement efficiency projects with no upfront capital expenditure, including how it works, alternative approaches, and advantages and disadvantages.
GHG Emissions - May 13, 2019
Tyson aims for 30 by 30
Tyson Foods announced it has become the first U.S.-based protein company to receive approval from the Science Based Target Initiative for its greenhouse gas reduction target of 30% by 2030. The announcement came with the release of Tyson’s 2018 Sustainability Report
Sourcing Renewables - May 11, 2019
Weekend reads: New RE hits 60%; the Sahara solar farm
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with some must-read articles from around the web:
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