Items Tagged with "Energy Savings"
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Energy Smart Tips for Hotels
In 2007, a survey commissioned by the Element extended-stay brand of Westin Hotels found that 59% of frequent travelers (minimum of three hotel stays in past 12 months) admit to slipping from their typical "green routines" during their hotel visit. The survey found that when staying at a hotel, 75% Read More...
Energy Smart Tips for Restaurants
In the United States, restaurants spend an average of $3.77 per square foot on electricity and $1.57 per square foot on natural gas annually. As gas and electricity costs rise, energy efficiency becomes increasingly necessary for the restaurant industry.Typically, 3-5% of a restaurant's total operat Read More...
Variable Frequency Drives Technical Note
A variable frequency drive, or VFD, is a type of adjustable speed drive used to control the rotational speed of an alternating current electric motor by adjusting the frequency and voltage applied to the motor. Electric motors drive many types of equipment, including fans, pumps, and air c Read More...