Smart Energy Decisions News
Finance - March 5, 2021
Goldman Sachs completed $156B in sustainable financing in 2020
Goldman Sachs announced March 4 that it achieved a fifth of its 2030 sustainable financing goal that it set in 2020, with $156 billion completed and $93 billion of that dedicated to climate transition.
Finance - March 5, 2021
RBC sets sustainable finance target of $500 billion by 2025
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) announced its intent to increase its sustainable financing by $500 billion by 2025 and achieve net zero emissions in its lending by 2050.
March 5, 2021
Smart Energy Voices Podcast - Episode 25: The Future of GM, EVs and Renewables with Rob Threlkeld
The future of decarbonization is in re-inventing the transportation industry. John speaks about the potential of electric vehicles with General Motors’ Global Manager of Sustainable Energy, Supply, and Reliability, Rob Threlkeld. John and Rob discuss GM’s incredible carbon neutrality goal and how every company can join the movement to create a cleaner future.
Sourcing Renewables - March 5, 2021
Kellogg to achieve more than 50% renewable electricity by end of 2022
Kellogg announced on March 3 that it will achieve more than 50% renewable energy to address the electricity needs of its owned manufacturing globally by the end of 2022.
Sourcing Renewables - March 5, 2021
Target adds three new RE projects to cover 25% of electricity use
Target announced March 4 three new renewable energy partnerships that will cover nearly a quarter of all its electricity use with wind and solar power.
Solar - March 4, 2021
Visa adds solar to the grid to power Virginia data center
Visa announced March 3 that it has entered into an agreement that will provide its Virginia data center with 100% renewable energy for five years.
Distributed Energy Resources - March 4, 2021
Six US utilities join together to create interstate EV charging highway
A group of six major utilities announced March 2 a new coalition that will focus on creating a network of electric vehicle charging stations across major highways in the South, Midwest, Gulf, and Central Plains regions.
Sourcing Renewables - March 4, 2021
City of Healdsburg completes largest U.S. floating solar farm
The City of Healdsburg, California announced on March 3 that it has completed a floating solar project, the largest completed in the United States to date.
GHG Emissions - March 4, 2021
FedEx commits to carbon-neutral operations by 2040
FedEx Corp. announced on March 3 that it set a goal to achieve carbon–neutral operations globally by 2040. To help reach this goal, FedEx is designating more than $2 billion of the initial investment in three key areas: vehicle electrification, sustainable energy and carbon sequestration.
Finance - March 3, 2021
Jigar Shah to lead $40 billion DOE clean tech loan effort
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced on March 3 the appointment of clean energy industry pioneer Jigar Shah as Director of the Loan Program Office, which will oversee more than $40 billion in loan authority across manufacturing, innovative finance, and tribal energy projects.
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